Insurance for Dialysis at home

Dialysis at home, now covered under leading insurances

Do you worry about the cost of dialysis at home? You don’t have to worry anymore, as we understand the importance of insurance coverage when it comes to receiving care for you or your loved ones undergoing dialysis at home and we are elated to announce that we will be able to accommodate the top insurance companies.

With these insurance companies on board, we look forward to serving you with the same dedication and quality care that we have always provided. We aim to make your experience easier and more convenient with our tie-up with these leading insurance providers. You can find the list of accepted medical insurance below and contact your insurance company for further information and details about your coverage, limits, and exclusion.

We Accept

  • Enaya Neuron
  • Enaya Madallah
  • Al Madallah

Please Note:

  • You will need to provide your insurance card every time you need any treatment.
  • You will require pre-authorization while applying for insurance.
  • You will need to update us if there are any changes to your insurance.

If you have any further queries or need more details regarding the insurance coverage for any service provided by us please feel free to contact us, our staff will be more than happy to help you.